Sunday, October 12, 2008

Vision solidifed

Here is a statement of the goals of Long Beach Freethought Club:

1) Create a warm social environment for all nonbelieving members. This includes being a place where those on the fence or believing can engage in respectful dialogue.
2) Promote the freethinking way. Students will encouraged and be encouraged to base their beliefs on sound thinking, scrutiny, and inquiry.
3) Emphasize the responsibility of each and every individual to develop meaning and morality in their own lives.
4) Volunteer in the greater Long Beach area and participate in relevant community outreach projects. Getting to know our city is the best way to show the importance of the freethinking lifestyle. We are in contact with such organizations as Precious Life, Southern California Food Bank, and the Long Beach Rescue Mission.

Here is the statement of purpose, straight from the club constitution.

Section 1. The purpose of this organization shall be to promote a freethinking philosophical viewpoint free of influence from dogma and authority, along with providing a positive social environment for non-theists, humanists, skeptics, et cetera. Students will engage in informed, respectful dialogue about relevant issues. Reason, rationality, and scientific inquiry are held as the basis on which Long Beach Freethinkers develop their belief systems. Thus, Long Beach Freethought ignores unnecessary recourse to the supernatural and other religious or quasi-religious elements. Long Beach Freethought also upholds the responsibility of students to cultivate meaning and significance in their own lives. The second component of Long Beach Freethought is service to the community. The volunteer work and community outreach projects of Long Beach Freethought will be one of the many indicators showing that one can achieve a relative “goodness” without a moral framework prescribed by a deity or religious tradition. This will encourage an increased presence of freethought, skepticism and secular humanism on campus and around the greater Long Beach area.

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